The Complete Guide to Honeymoon Missions by GGPoker

GGPoker has a sign-up bonus* that is head and shoulders above the rest - Honeymoon For Newcomers.

It really is the best online poker sign-up bonus there is right now.

With a little of poker skill and patience, you can start your journey on the site with between $200 and $350 in cash and tournament tickets - setting you up with a great starter poker bankroll.

The Honeymoon For Newcomers* special offer is available to all new players on GGPoker and you have 30 days to complete all 30 missions.

Here’s our complete guide to the best poker site sign-up bonus - Honeymoon For Newcomers by GGPoker.

Table Example

# Mission Difficulty Reward Total
1 50 hands

of holdem

Easy 0 0
2 50 hands

of omaha

Easy 0 0
3 70 hands of AoF Easy 4x 25c Spin

& Go tickets
4 10 Spin & Gold Easy 0 $1
5 50 hands of

short deck

Medium $2.50 $3.50
6 Post a straddle Very easy 0 $3.50
7 100 hands of

Rush & Cash

Easy 5x $1 Spin

& Gold tickets
8 Play a 5x in

Spin & Gold

Medium 0 $8.50
9 Play a 3x in

Spin & Gold

Easy 0 $8.50
10 Get dealt AA

in AoF

Medium 0 $8.50
11 Perform No

Look All-In

Very easy 0 $8.50
12 Play 30

Spin & Gold

Easy 0 $8.50
13 Play a

Daily Guarantee

Easy 0 $8.50
14 Win with a full

house in holdem

Medium 0 $8.50
15 100 Hands of

short deck

Easy $12.50 entry


16 200 hands of

Rush & Cash

Easy 0 $21
17 Win with a

flush in AoF

Easy 0 $21
18 Get dealt AA

in holdem

Medium 0 $21
19 300 hands

of AoF

Easy 0 $21
20 500 hands of

Rush & Cash

Easy $20 $41
21 300 hands

of holdem

Easy 0 $41
22 Play 50

Spin & Gold

Easy 0 $41
23 Win with quads

in omaha

Medium 0 $41
24 300 hands

of omaha

Easy 0 $41
25 500 hands

of AoF

Easy $110 entry


26 Win a bounty

hunter MTT

Very hard 0 $151
27 500 hands of

Cash & Rush

Easy 0 $151
28 Play a 10x

Spin & Gold

Very hard 0 $151
29 700 hands of

Rush & Cash

Easy 0 $151
30 Win AoF


Very hard $150 $301

Note: while you can complete all 30 missions, we recommend you complete 25 of the 30 as the final five are so difficult that you are unlikely to make money on them.

By completing 25 of the 30, you have a very good chance of making at least $200 in cash and tournament entry tickets.

And you could end up with far more as the above totals do not include winnings from playing these games as that is dependent on individual player ability.

Tips for completing each of the 30 honeymoon missions*

Day 1 - 50 hands of holdem - easy

This is the most straight-forward mission on the list. We recommend you play the lowest stakes available and just play premium hands. There are no prizes for playing more pots - just hands dealt.

Day 2 - 50 hands of omaha - easy easy

Very similar to the Day 1 mission, play 50 hands of omaha. If you're not familiar with omaha, watch a quick intro video. The biggest different with Omaha is that you start with four cards and must use two of them. Everyone finishes up with better hands (because they have more to choose from). The challenge is just to play 50 hands, so playing tight is most likely right.

Day 3 - 70 hands of AoF - easy

AoF (All-In or Fold) is all about position and hand strength. You either commit and your chips or fold. You need to play 70 hands but it doesn't take long, given all of the decisions are pre-flop. This game can be a slightly bumpy ride because all the chips go in early, but if you play tight poker, you'll likely finish up ahead.

Day 4 - 10 Spin & Gold - easy

Spin & Go is a three-handed sit-and-go where everyone starts with a small stack. There's a lot of all-ins in this variant too, but it plays like tournaments rather than cash games. Play 10 of these and you'll be through to Day 5 and one mission away from your first reward.

Day 5 - 50 short deck hands - medium

We've rated this mission as medium because short deck is a variant that a lot of players aren't experienced with and it can trip people up. We recommend you watch a few short tutorial videos on youtube before you tackle this one - just to understand the difference between short deck and regular holdem. Play 50 hands and you'll have completed Day 5 and will receive your first reward. Congrats!

Day 6 - Post a straddle - very easy

This is the quickest and easiest challenge on the list. In a holdem cash game, click the "post a straddle" button and you will have completed the challenge. You can only post a straddle when you are under the gun (first to act) and it is a blind bet that is double the big blind. We don't recommend straddling in case games, from a strategic point of view, because it puts you at a disadvantage. But it's worth the two big blinds to complete the mission. Just remember - you can fold your straddle to a raise if you wake up with a bad hand! No need to spend good money to rescue the bad.

Day 7 - 100 hands of Rush & Cash - easy

This is another mission that will take no time at all. Rush & Cash is a cash holdem poker format where once you fold you are randomly moved to another table and the next hand begins. It's fast and furious, and you get through hands quickly. Play your normal game and you'll be through the 100 hands in no time. You'll unlock five Spin & Gold tickets. Which is great because you're about to need them!

Day 8 - Play a 5x in Spin & Gold - medium

Day 8 is the first mission that's a bit of a grind. Every time you play a Spin & Go, it begins with a spinning wheel that adds a multiplier to the buy-in amount. Most of the time this is a 1x or 2x multiplier. You're looking for a 5x multiplier which may require quite a few games.

Fortunately, you will have five free Spin & Golds to get you started, thanks to the rewards you will have unlocked on Day 7, and you're likely to need them all.

When we played this challenge it took about 10 games to unlock. There are many quick and easy missions once you finish this one, so it's worth persevering, but it is a bit of a pain. Just remember to play your normal game when you are playing the Spin & Gold, and don't be tempted to multi-table beyond your ability to complete the task more quickly.

Day 9 - Play a 3x in Spin & Gold - easy

Exactly the same as the above, but easier. The 3x multiplier is rarer than 1x and 2x, but a lot more frequent than 5x.

Day 10 - Get dealt AA in AoF - medium

This is just a matter of playing the hands as well as you can until you pick up Aces. Play your best game, focusing on pre-flop position and hand-strength, and maximising your results. Tight is right in this game. You're waiting for Aces, after all!

Day 11 - Perform No Look All-In - very easy

This is an easy one to play but a highly risky one. You can perform a No Look All-In on any cash holdem poker table when in the straddle position (under the gun). We recommend you play the lowest stake and buy-in for the minimum. Playing on a table that has multiple seats open is also advantageous. This is just a pure gamble but it keeps you working towards the rewards so provided you play very small stakes, you will make back any loses. Thankfully you only need to do it once.

Day 12 - Play 30 Spin & Gold - easy

Having played Day 7 and Day 8, you'll be very familiar with Spin & Gold. In this challenge you have to play 30 of them. The only thing to consider with this one is what time you start as it can take some time and you'll need to have finished by midnight, so start early and get your games in with time to spare.

Day 13 - Play a Daily Guarantee - easy

The trickiest part of this challenge is getting your money back! It's very easy to register for a Daily Guarantee challenge, but with a large field of players, you're far from certain to win back your money on one attempt. The best thing to do is choose a low buy-in tournament and play your best poker. If you cash, great! If you don't, you'll have unlocked the next mission and be closer to a reward that will more than make up for the lost buy-in.

Day 14 - Win with a full house in holdem - medium

Full houses are fairly difficult to come by, which is what makes this challenge tricky. We recommend you play the lowest stakes available and just play your normal game. You’re looking to see cheap flops with pocket pairs. You need to play it very passively and get to showdown. If you don’t showdown, you don’t win the challenge.

Once you complete this mission, you'll be on Day 15 where you unlock your next reward.

Day 15 - 100 Hands of short deck - easy

Day 15 is a reward day! Complete the 100 hands of short deck and unlock $12.50 entry tickets. Having played short deck earlier in the challenge, hopefully you are more familiar with the variant, which is why we have marked this mission as easy. But if you're still not confident, remember to watch Youtube videos and brush up on your strategy.

Day 16 - 200 hands of Rush & Cash - easy

This challenge is very similar to Day 7's 100 hands of Rush & Cash - just twice as long. Play your a-game and you'll be ready for Day 17 before you know it.

Day 17 - Win with a flush in AoF - easy

Suited aces and suited broadway cards are your friends in this challenge. You still want to play your good pairs and off-suit high cards here, but to win the challenge, it's all about the suits. Just don't be tempted to play your suited connectors though as AoF is all about the high cards and high pairs.

Day 18 - Get dealt AA in holdem - medium

Do you ever watch poker and see that really tight player who's clearly just waiting for a big hand? Well, on Day 18, that player is you! Sit on a low stakes cash table and play your normal game until those lovely pocket Aces appear, and you'll be ready for Day 19.

Day 19 - 300 hands of AoF - easy

Another challenge with AoF. By now you'll be familiar with the format and hopefully profitable at it. It's all about high cards and pairs, and understanding what your opponents are doing wrong. After 300 hands you'll be on Day 20 which comes with a nice cash reward.

Day 20 - 500 hands of Rush & Cash - easy

Similar to Day 7 and Day 16, this is just a case of sitting at a Rush & Cash table and getting through the hands. With 500 as the counter, it takes a bit longer. But the reward for doing so is $20, which will hopefully be accompanied by some winnings from your play.

Day 21 - 300 hands of holdem - easy

You're now only five challenges away from a $110 of tickets, with four of the five challenges being classed by ourselves as easy. Day 21 is simple - play 300 hands of holdem.

Day 22 - Play 50 Spin & Gold - easy

Day 22 is a return to Spin & Gold. This time you have to play 50 of them. You'll have a good idea of how long that takes, having played 30 on Day 12, so make sure you give yourself enough time to complete this if you are starting in the evening.

Day 23 - Win with quads in omaha - medium

If you're not used to omaha, getting quads sounds impossible! But it isn't. It's one of the harder challenges and make take longer than most of the missions up until now, but it's the last tricky one before you unlock the $110 of tickets and is worth the time. Just remember that you have to always use two cards in your hand when you play Omaha, so double-paired hands are very valuable to you. Pass this mission and you're two away from a good reward.

Day 24 - 300 hands of omaha - easy

Another day of omaha awaits. This time you've got to play 300 hands, which is likely fewer than you had to play on Day 23. Complete this mission and you're on Day 25 which will bring $110 of tickets when completed.

Day 25 - 500 hands of AoF - easy

500 hands of AoF is a lot of hands on a game that includes a lot of variance, but it's all about hand strength and position. High cards and pocket pairs are the order of the day. Get through the 500 hands and you will be rewarded with $110 of tickets.

Note: This is where we recommend players finish their Honeymoon journey as beyond this is a very difficult road to the remaining $150 and we don't think likely to be it's profitable for most players.

Day 26 - Win a bounty hunter MTT - very hard

We recommend players cash in and call it a day on Day 25. But if you're keen to carry on your Honeymoon Rewards journey, know that this challenge is one of the toughest. You need to win a multi-table bounty hunter tournament. Try to find a game with a small field of players and set yourself a maximum number of tries beforehand. Good luck!

Day 27 - 500 hands of Cash & Rush - easy

If you managed to complete Day 27, congratulations! You still have two very hard missions to complete, but today is an easy one. 500 hands of Cash & Rush will feel very simple compared to yesterday's challenge. If you have failed any other challenges up to this point, you won't be able to unlock the final reward so please consider this before taking on Day 27.

Day 28 - Play a 10x Spin & Gold - very hard

This is another very difficult challenge that can take a long time to complete. As you will know by now, each Spin & Gold begins with a spinning wheel that unlocks a multiplier. You need to unlock 10x which is very rare. If you have failed any other challenges up to this point, you won't be able to unlock the final reward so please consider this before taking on Day 28.

Day 29 - 700 hands of Rush & Cash - easy

If you have completed all 28 missions up until this point, congratulations. Day 29 is your second last challenge and an easy one. You need to play 700 hands of Rush & Cash to unlock the final mission.

Day 30 - Win AoF Jackpot - very hard

This mission is as difficult as it gets and no one at has even attempted it. The AoF jackpot is extremely difficult to unlock and if you have somehow reached this point with 29 completed missions we recommend that you decide beforehand how much time, effort and money you are prepared to spend on this challenge.

If you successfully complete this mission (and have completed all 29 previously), you will be rewarded with $150 and the challenge will be completed.

The Honeymoon Rewards Bankroll*

No matter how many of the 30 challenges you completed, hopefully you will have built a nice bankroll to get you started on the GGPoker site. We think this welcome bonus is the best on the internet for UK players because most of the challenges are easy to complete and the rewards are generous.

We just think that players should stop once they have unlocked the reward on Day 25 as most of the remaining challenges are very difficult to complete.

The GGPoker Sign Up Welcome Bonus*

New members of GGPoker* also have access to the below deal:

Deposit £10 and Get £60 free play tournament tickets - or - a matched deposit up to $600.

Coupled with the above Honeymoon Missions and you have the chance to start your experience on GGPoker with an instantly boosted poker bankroll.

Protecting Your Bankroll

Looking for more tips to help you build your poker bankroll?

Our Complete Guide to Building a Poker Bankroll has everything you need to know to getting your 'roll in a good place.

Visit our Complete Guide to Building a Poker Bankroll Guide.


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